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What is it?
Fissure is a Free, Open Source version of the game engine that drives the genre-defining titles Myst and Riven. The name is a reference to the Star Fissure.
Why bother?
To scratch an itch. Our goal is to bring the full Riven and Myst experience to as many non-mainstream operating systems as possible - Linux, BSD, and Solaris, among others.
What about copyright?
We will never distribute any copyrighted game resources or files. Our software simply reads the game data files from your copy of Riven or Myst and puts the game on your screen. Fissure is useless to you if you do not own the games.
Are you affiliated with Cyan?
No. We are not affiliated with Cyan Worlds or their publishers, suppliers, contractors or employees. The code we have written is based on good old-fashioned reverse engineering and is not based on any restricted information. It is not illegal for you to view the contents of your own copy of the game, for your own personal use; we just help you do that. You use Fissure at your own risk, and neither the Fissure developers or Cyan Worlds are responsible for any adverse effects it may have on your system or data - caveat user!
When can I use Fissure?
We are working on it as hard as we can and will update this page as we approach a release. If you wish to help, please contact one of the project administrators. See our SourceForge project page.